
Tuesday, March 18

Simple DIY kitchen wall decor

We all have those little wishes to decorate our kitchens, don't we?

We may have those days when we wish those dirty dishes in the sink took care of themselves, or the kitchen floor mopped itself up while we rested...but we do not want to limit colour to a cluttered fridge door.

But then, while kitchen may be the heart of a home, spending big currency for kitchen decor is not something most of us may feel inclined to do.

I visited my friend Shirley's place recently. Check out the post on her impressive DIY graduation party archway. And what she did with the wall over her counter-top awed me.

Wow! Why didn't I think of it?

``I wanted something in red and gold colour. I went looking for frames and pictures. Nothing fit in. So I decided to do something myself,'' says Shirley.

Here it is, her lovely three frame 3-D set. No glass like in a typical wall pic. No picture or painting. Yet, a stand-out set.

A red frame, a golden one and a red frame. All to bring in the essence of her kitchen. She picked the bare wood frames up from A C Moore crafts store, for $ 4 each. And spent another $2 on the red and gold colour paints. She painted them and let them dry.

So what you need, is:

photo frames with no glass, from your craft store

embellishments with some glue

satin, threads, and the likes for fixing your pieces in the frames

some festive decor items, party paraphernalia..

This tea-pot that she strung and hung from the frame's top end, is actually something she picked up during the Christmas sales. And is a Christmas tree ornament!

Look close, the heart centre-piece here, is in reality, a cookie-cutter that she painted red! She simply strung it with a satin ribbon! And the flowers that she used to embellish it's left bottom corner, were gifts from her New-York based cousin who makes and sells them.

Spoon and fork - perfect kitchen pieces - utilitarian. But as decor, you'd settle for giant pieces. Remember the kitchen wall at the home of Raymond's mother in Everybody Loves Raymond!

These two pieces though, were part of party items at Wegman's. Shirley gladly used them on the frame. They're plastic, but look like steel!

The ensemble shows that a bit of imagination can do wonders to your dream decor at home. It's just about going out there and giving colour to your ideas.

Pics courtesy: Shirley Gandhi

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