
Wednesday, March 5

Button earrings n toilet roll owls

When my Boston-based nieces visited me during Thanksgiving last year, they had come prepared to indulge in crafting and play every minute.

The younger one, a six year old, would drag me from my kitchen work so she could learn something new to craft.

On my part, I had enough trash to keep them occupied too.

I had a crate full of toilet tissue roll cardboard. A quickie Google image search revealed umpteen owl crafts using the rolls.

The image of these owls I found on Creative Jewish Mom and similar experiments by other crafters were quite an inspiration. The kids took no time in working away furiously.



and some tissue to wipe off stains from hands...

Here is what Sowmya, the 13 year old, came up with:

Notice that the first owl in this picture has eye-circles cut from another piece of cardboard and stuck there for effect.

The curvy head for these owls comes about when you press the edges of the toilet tissue roll on one side, towards each other. You can then use a masking tape or glue the edges on top. Rest is all about black lines!

The kids also did some button craft. I had some jump rings and fish-hooks among my stash of jewellery findings. All I did was to teach them, to use the jewellery pliers.  Here is what they made:

This pair needed all of four green buttons, and eight jump rings, besides two fish hooks for earrings.

The next one did not quite turn out perfect, but I love the effort they put in. If you want a video tutorial about how to make button earrings, here is one from Youtube:
Button Earrings

In the meanwhile, I found some bread tags in my kitchen drawer. Using a geometry box compass, we punched holes, and lo! we had another pair of earrings!

These quickie pairs could make great party give favours. Or, you could simply organise a `make and take' party for a bunch of kids around the block!

Owl crafts can be great for theme parties, `make and take' , and inexpensive to teach too - especially if your raw material comes straight from the toilet and before it gets trashed!

Pics courtesy: M Radhika
Crafts by: Sowmya and Saahitya

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  1. FABULOUS ideas! Love the owls... And I've just got to make myself a pair of the button earrings. Thanks for the inspiration :-)

    1. Thank you Jane, for stopping by. Thank you for your kind words:)
