
Tuesday, March 21

Spring-Summer wreath DIY

It's that time of the year when tendrils on branches turn a feast for your eyes. In the tropics it's summer already. Out here where I live, the last snow melts quick with the rising temperatures. The clock just sprang forward, and home-sters wait eagerly to fix their yard decor. As during any season, wreaths are common to door decor in the West.

A good wreath can cost your pocket too much though. If you are willing to spend a few dollars, and arm yourself with loads of patience, you can make wreaths at home. This project is available on the internet in plenty.

I used a pizza carton lid that was not soiled with the cooked pizza, and cut out a ring from it.

What you really need for this project, is a ton of gift-wrap tissue paper, or the paper we use to make kites in India, also known as Kite paper.

You will need:

Besides a pizza carton lid,

A pair of scissors

Gift wrap tissue paper or Kite paper (at least 15 sheets) in colours of your choice

Hot glue gun with a bunch of glue sticks for refill

pressing tool or maybe a popsicle stick

Tissue paper to wipe after using your glue gun

Plates of two sizes to draw out a wreath form or ring


It's common for stores to entice you into buying wreaths for each season. So grab your scissors and spread out the sheets.

Use a steel plate that fits the pizza carton lid, and draw a circle.

Use a smaller plate and draw out another circle. This circle becomes a ring, allowing you to begin decorating.

I cut pieces from the colour sheets, of five inches by seven inches. The diameter of this circle ?(big one) is 8 inches. Now, roll the tissue pieces into irregularly shaped flowers. 

One end of the piece must be narrow, which you can twist. Stick this in with hot glue.Work on the outer part of this ring and then move towards the inner side.

The wreath I made looks like this, with the gap being hidden. But it is really the ring. Be careful when you work with hot glue gun. Keep it away from children, and certainly not in the proximity of your study. Also, when you work with the piece, use the vertical narrow end to twist and turn. And then stick. Fill in the gaps after sticking the outward looking folds by spreading out the broader end of the vertical rectangle piece.  Use a ribbon to hold the wreath.

When you use the glue gun, hot glue may stick to your hands, causing the fingers to burn. Keep a first aid kit ready. I love how the greens protrude.

Cut ribbon, about two feet long, so you can tie up the wreath to a door.

Enjoy the green wreath.

Pictures and content: Radhika M B

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