It's festival time. A bunch of Indian States' people celebrate their New Year according to the Lunar Calendar. We in the South call it Ugadi. It's that time of the year when I rejoice in the visual treat of tendrils on trees. I adore the fresh green colour of mango leaves, and the Ugadi pachadi (chutney), a special for the festival.
I love the sight of mango leaf thoranam or thoran to welcome visitors on people's door-step tops. As kids we would stitch the leaves up using their stalk and create thoranam using a twine. That's a luxury I long for where I live in USA.
But it's officially spring time out here, and stores are bursting with spring-summer colours for clothing, accessories and more. I decided to give the doorstep garland a twist.
This one is a super quick tutorial that does not require much time. If your child is not too young, it's a project you can assign one of the holidays.
It's popularly called a paper bunting. I see these extensively used for party decor out here.
What you need:
-- a pair of scissors
-- patterned paper of your choice
(I chose paisely designed one from my stash, with cool colours instead of warm. You can use old gift wraps, or cupcake holder cups.)
-- tacky glue or craft glue
-- satin ribbon (about one centimeter wide, or less)
-- marking pen or pencil
-- a stencil to draw out circles (a small plate or compass) ..I used an old ribbon spool
Reverse the patterned paper and draw out circles using your stencil. Depending on the thickness of the paper you can fold it to cut more than one circle at a time.
I made more than 10 circles from the single sheet. You will notice some brand printing on some circles, which is fine because you can fold it to the rear and it will not be visible. Also, the number of circles depends on the size you cut out, so if one sheet is not enough, keep a couple more. You do not need the same print. Related patterns or colours would do just fine.
Fold all these circles in half.
Glue the inside of the bottom half in such a way that you leave a little gap for the ribbon to move.

Fix them all in a row. You can fix large beads between each half circle if you wish.
You may apply a little glue to the cut edges of the satin ribbon for it to stay stiff instead of threading out. Use this bunting or thoran to decorate your doorstep, a bare wall, or a table edge.
You can also embellish a plain circle with stickers. Enjoy the festival, and the new beginnings that come forth.
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