
Monday, April 18

Make your own colouring card bookmarks: DIY

Sudoku took a world still hung up on newspaper crossword puzzles by storm a few years back. The past few months have seen adult colouring books do the same thing.

Whoever thought doodling and the basic action of applying colour would have such an impact? Adult colouring books cost a fortune. Product development has brought forth smaller sized and spiral bound books yes, but nothing like tucking a little piece of cardboard into your purse, to colour on the way to work, at your office desk when you get upset with the boss.

Find a cardboard carton of something you bought from the store, and get to work.

Make sure it has a lighter side so doodles stand out better. And do not dream of getting expert at doodling for a start. Enjoy the flips.

You will need:

-- a pair of scissors

-- cardboard cartons that come with grocery

-- a ruler

-- marker pens or pencil

-- black or coffee colour ink pens that write thick

-- craft glue or tacky glue

-- construction paper of light colours

-- pastels or colour pencils

-- optional - a punching machine with yarn

-- optional - sandpaper

-- optional - paper trimmer

I cut the cardboard cartons into flat pieces to begin with.

And trimmed off their edges with my paper trimmer. You can use the ruler and scissors. The next step was to cut the main surface into three. Here you can play around with the measurements. Choose the size you want and cut accordingly.

After this, strip the glossy product label layer off the pieces, using the tip of your nails to separate the layers. Optionally, you can run sandpaper on the glossy surface, which will retain its thickness. I did not want them getting too thick.

Glue this rough surface on to light coloured construction paper or other paper of good thickness that you have.

You will notice that the cardboard may bend a little with the gluing. Place a book over it and let dry. Or roll a rolling pin (chapati stick), or simply crease with a craft stick.

After it gets dried,  cut the glued layers to size. Trim excess cardboard and paper.

Bring out the thick pens and begin doodling. Remember, to test the pen on the construction paper or other paper of your choice, for smudging and blotting. The big fan of rangolis that I am, I lost no time scribbling them away, creating some lines to fill up. My other favourite is tea-cups.

Your doodle bookmarks are ready. Sneak them into your purse or daily bag. Gift them away to a friend, or make it for your kids.

Keep oil pastels or colour pencils handy and tuck them in too.

Time to fill the paper with colour. And your head with pleasant thoughts.

Pictures and content courtesy: Radhika M B

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