
Friday, September 11

`Fruity' barrette clip with used 3-D stickers

Hi gals, am back with another post, thanks to the gentle nudging by a friend.

A few weeks back, my cutest little neighbour kept me on toes with her need to play and do stuff at home. My sweet toddler friend knows where exactly at home things that amuse her the most get stashed - my craft paraphernalia. Ribbons, stickers, beads, papers, tools, embellishments and more! And heads for them every time she fancies. Her dad was surprised by how familiar his darling girl was with stuff around our place.

Her objects of affection on this visit, were the bundles of stickers that I use for various craft projects. All I gave her was a white sheet or two. Peel and stick, peel and stick, she picked up whatever she liked by the second, and off they went, to stick to the paper. What a sight that was! I loved watching the enthusiasm in the little girl. And wondered how exhausted her mom must be, in keeping her occupied.

Kids love their stickers don't they?

I just love the abandon with which she sticker-painted this sheet.

At the same time, we adults get a headache trying to keep our hair ornaments and other jewellery together. They get lost, break or simply find no use after a while. When you end up with those barrette clips from which the decor pieces fall off, what do you do? Here is where my idea fits in.

For this quickie project, I have used new barrette clips. You could use a functional old clip that has either lost its charm, or you want to give a makeover, or a new one that you can pick up from craft stores online and offline. I peeled off the 3-D stickers from that sheet and used them for a kiddy barrette clip.

Here is how they can look on completion:

Let me tell you, my arrangement was slightly different when I started off. Read on.

What you need for the project, is of course, barrette clips to begin with.

You also need,

-- some multi-surface glue...I have used Superglue (such glue is available in craft stores, and stationery stores...make sure you check the instructions before buying)

-- a stirring stick and toothpick (optional)

-- some acrylic paint, or whitener

-- an old cloth, or newspaper, tissue paper, or packaging sheet to absorb spills if any

Now, for the how of it.

Carefully read the instructions on the glue container or packet before you start. When you apply glue, you must be cautious enough not to let any amount of the liquid touch your skin. Make sure you adhere to first aid if it accidentally spills.

Meanwhile, pull out a few stickers to see which of them fit your barrette.

I arranged the emoticon-type fruity stickers to get an idea of the dimensions. Some left over adhesive on them helped as it stuck on and did not fall off.

Now gently squeeze a drop or two on the barrette surface that is bulged up. Place the sticker on it, and press the two surfaces hard. Use the blunt end of a pencil, the stirrer or your fingers.

If using fingers, careful please. Should some glue squeeze out when you press, do not try setting anything right. If it falls off, let it drop on to the cloth or paper below.

Let it dry for a while. And move to the next sticker.

In my case, I messed up a little on gauging the size of these stickers with their angles. So the apple sticker that you see in the picture above, did not stick well. I pulled out a few more stickers - melons, bananas...finally a pear sticker came to my rescue.

It is not the most perfect fitting one, but good enough to fix on a little girl's hair.

This is how it looks. You can bask in how well it turned out. But wait... Flip over.

 You don't mind these smudge marks on the rear don't you. I did not mind one bit. But then, I realized that the left over glue can mess up a little girl's hair. Wait till the barrette and stickers have dried. And dab a little white paint on the stirring stick, apply on the surface that is not sticking to the barrette clip.

Let this dry out as much as possible. Optional: I did not try it out, but you could probably pad on some decoupage glue or Mod Podge to give the rear a glossy finish. Otherwise, simply use it on a little princess' hair.

Let her go rock at that party...and you can stay happy these stickers did not go into trash.

Try this using cloth flowers and other materials, and let me know how it went.

Pictures Courtesy: Radhika M B

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