
Monday, March 11

Plastic water jug ball catcher: Repurpose

My parents-in-law are here. While it's taking them a while to adjust - newness of the place, culture difference, being home-bound and missing their grandchildren among other things, water and food are the biggest constraint.

We cook food at home most time. So that solves the problem partly. But water - they have not quite taken to the taste of filters that we attached to our tap for potable water.

So we buy water from wholesale stores. Needless to say, those plastic water containers make me feel guilty like crazy.

I wondered what to do with those jugs. Good ancient google. Got some interesting pictures that gave superb ideas.

The ball-catcher idea looked unique though. Innovative, relevant to the old and young. Here are the links:

Ball-catcher with milk jug


My father-in-law who is adept at household repairs and does a lot of DIY, pitched in for the project. The result was this:

water jug or milk jug ball catcher

It began with me wanting to give him something to do on a boring afternoon.  With some idea of the plastic can's possible future use, I scampered around for:

a heavy duty knife

craft knife


duct tape that I have in stock

masking tape

stickers for embellishing

oil pastels to mark out the shape on the plastic

or pencil

My father-in-law marked out a shape to improvise on the already available designs in other website pictures.

He then used the heavy duty knife an scissors alternatively to cut through the plastic. I must admit that if I had done it, the job would have been haphazard.

plastic water jug
Water jug of milk jug ball catcher cut out

I let the brand label remain, as pulling it out would give a glue mess on the plastic. My father-in-law then used masking tape to blunt out the sharp edges.

Recycle plastic jug as ball catcher

With practice, this shape can look more symmetric. But am happy with this attempt, because it's a first such venture on plastic recyclables around home.

Recycle plastic jug ball catcher

 After the masking tape effort, it was time for embellishing.  I covered the brand name with the zebra print duct tape, and used white-flower stickers generously for

Water jug ball catcher - recycle
 And the ball-catcher is ready, thanks to my helpful dad-in-law!

All you need now, is a light-weight ball, ideally the ping-pong variety. It needs one or two people to play.

One player throws the ball into the catcher from a distance. And the other tries to catch it, with the `catcher'. If you want to play alone, just throw the ball into the air and catch it.

This project is usually listed for kids' crafts in websites. But really, I don't see any age limit with games involving catching a ball!

Water jug or milk jug ball catcher
You could use this alternatively to store or show-case a cuddle-toy on your mantle. Think of other ideas too. Creativity has no limits.

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