
Wednesday, September 12

Gift wrapping just got innovative : Second Part, Leaf and fabric wonders

For those of you who loved the post about Lalitha Menon's creative gift wrapping that is earth friendly too, here is more from her loving heart, thinking head and quicky hands.

In my earlier post about her work, you saw how she used banana leaves, cinnamon and Inja tree bark to wrap her simple yet thoughtful gifts.

Here are pictures from her recent gifting:

The picture is self explanatory. A glass jar of payasam or sweet porridge made with vermicelli. A piece of banana leaf to seal the jar mouth better and the lid to top. With absolutely no need of any other gift bag or wrapping paper, she fastened a satin ribbon around the lid. Whew! Economical yet creative! And no hiding of the yummy payasam!

Now for the next one:

It's an exquisite soap bar from Fabindia. Guess what's its wrapping paper! A piece of a Kerala dhoti. Here is how she wrapped it.

She added, rather strung wooden beads in for some more decor.

You can imagine a hundred things that could be in the pictures below.

The huge leaf in question is a teak tree leaf. Cannot imagine the size, is it not? Just google ` teak tree leaf'. I was surprised by the amazing size these leaves could grow to.

Here though, the leaves available in her garden have been used to make a lovely gift wrap for, a shirt. Lalitha pinned their edges carefully with coconut sticks which are common in Kerala too. She then wrapped its middle with the piece of a Kanchipuram saree. Hanging roots from the teak tree served as twine to tie the package up. But what amazed me was how the guava leaf and some dried flowers served as such good embellishments!

The most unusual of objects, sometimes even aging leaves that fell off the tree, can be thrown in to give a dramatic effect for your creative output! There is of course that glittery ribbon to top the pointed ends, but I guess the gift wrap would have looked good even without it.

Now for more! What you see in the picture below is actually brown paper (yeah, it is neither white nor off-white) and a saree border to give it the feel of a folded saree, leaves from the garden taped to the brown sheet.

It has been used to wrap a book gift.

Lalitha used some more border, for a bookmark to accompany the book gift. I love this, because I believe every book deserves a bookmark.

Check out:
Here, she stuck the piece of saree border on to a cardboard, and used the purple satin to give it a base. On it's upper end, she has punched a hole to string the ribbon piece through for a bow.

Look out for more - there is a part three to this post too! Thank you Lalitha, for your creativity that does not stop!

Pictures courtesy: Lalitha Menon

If you wish to use the pictures and content here, credit to Lalitha's pictures and Imprints Handmade's content is a must

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