
Thought behind Imprints handmade

Imprints Handmade happened as an idea in the deepest of my dark times.

Call it silly, but when I survived on cartons of medicines each day a few years back, something in me prompted, to put those cartons to use. I made bookmarks out of those, and gifted them away. My crafting journey began...

At the moment, it is an outlet, the beginning of a dream buoyed by the love of all of you visiting this site. It is all things paper craft - mainly bookmarks, besides anything else I find innovative that I can post here. `Recycle', `re-purpose' and `upcycle' turn me on.

It is heartening to see craft projects and ideas by my friends drawing traffic in thousands. Thank you for this outpouring of a bit about myself.

I adore colour. Creativity and art are me. They keep me alive. Am a strong believer in the art of craft and craft of art. Art and craft are not labels that need to be used as hierarchy in creativity, or judged as elite versus rustic, but celebrated for their oneness that is so essential to any piece of work, be it a DIY piece for your home, or painting to be displayed at a gallery. It's creativity that translates to things - craft, art and objects of love, that keep us alive.

I dreamt of being a painter and continue to dream today. I use crafts in my long journey towards painting masterpieces some day in future. This blog's focus is largely the DIY kind. The best of creative businesses that may be thriving today, and whose owners may be tad reluctant to part with trade secrets, began when someone did some DIY by learning from someone else, added spunk to it and turned the artistic piece into a sale-worthy product. If I do feature entrepreneurial craft work in Imprints, it will be because of how the work began.

My creative influence is largely Indian, though it may or may not show up in my work. If craft and art creativity inspire you, imprints is the place...come, journey with me. Do look forward to other things design and craft that inspire me. Share. For, you care. Care feeds creativity.