
This and that

This is a page in making...

will contain pictures, words and

probably more... of this and that ...

Found this at a mattress store two years back, and still love it!

 Isn't this a lovely design for a throw pillow? Found this while net-surfing for African design. And am so much in love with it! If any can come forward and take credit for this pic, please do...

If I remember, it was at American Signature store for furniture when we went sofa hunting.
Never thought a bicycle could look sooo glamorous on a wall!
Remember Surf's Lalitaji eons ago? One of the vintage ad imageries that has stuck in my head:)

One of the favourite Christmas time spots, on my list - Macy's windows at NYC. I love this window, with a boy wishing out at a Christmas sky...makes me feel transported to fairy lands.

This picture that I don't remember if my husband or I clicked at Grand Canyon, is special to me. The reddish spot you notice against the shaded side of the Canyon, is a helicopter.

It reminds me how we humans are so miniscule in front of nature and its grand scheme of things.

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